Now Do Link Building: The White Hat Style!


You are into the online business! Have you spent valuable time doing link building? If the answer here comes out to be “no,” then you are missing some of your potential business.

Have you started thinking about following quick but false strategies (black hat strategies) to gain business?

Wait! Wait!

This is an incorrect way of doing link building, and it won’t help you either. When we talk about link building, Google prefers only the White Hat style.

Here, we will discuss only the White Hat link building style.

What is White Hat Link Building?

When we talk about link building, there comes a right way and a wrong way. By the right way, we mean white hat link building, and by the wrong way, we mean black hat link building.

White Hat Link Building


Organic Link-Building Techniques, as per Google guidelines, are referred to as white hat link building. It helps to give you better online visibility in search engine results.

Black Hat Link Building


Unethical practices that website owners use to rank their websites on search engines by cheating Google are referred to as black hat link building. But you cannot hide for long, as Google will not take much time to find out the practices that violate its guidelines. Once caught, apart from losing your ranking, it could even cost you hefty penalties.

Why are Backlinks Important?

When we talk about website ranking, backlinks act as a dominant factor. As Google’s ranking algorithm keeps on constantly evolving, it’s only the links that give a signal to Google that your website is informative and authoritative. Moreover, websites with additional backlinks have more chances of ranking higher in the SERP.

Are you thinking now of creating a lot of backlinks? Well, it’s a nice idea, but don’t act too fast!

We would like to tell you that all links are not equal. If you get a link from an authoritative website, it has a greater impact in comparison to the link from a new or small business website link.

Moreover, if you receive too many low-quality backlinks, apart from lowering your rank, that can even get you penalized by Google.

Certain factors that search engines consider while ranking your website are:

  • Page or domain authority
  • Backlink relevant to the industry niche
  • Niche-specific high-quality, unique link
  • Anchor text relevant to the topic and link page

Pro Tips to do Link Building in White Hat Style


When we talk about backlink building strategies, you will come across many. To make it easy for you, we are listing here the pro tips for getting high-quality external links. Take a look:

Create a Compelling Content

Readers are always in a hurry; they don’t read the content; instead, they scan it. So, high-quality, precise, and informative content is the need of the hour. Add the right information to the web pages or websites with the usage of the right keywords.

By going this way, you are making it easy for the users to get the relevant information quickly. Thus increasing your chances of getting linked on other valuable sites. You can even promote your content via social media and email marketing.

Reviews and Mentions

You can also put your best products and services in front of the leading industry influencers and leaders whom you think can mention your services on their social media or in their public reviews.

If they do so, their followers will also share your services, and thus you have more chances of getting high-quality backlinks.

Guest Posts

Build your brand name and boost your credibility by posting guest posts on reputed websites. It is one of the best White Hat SEO techniques when you include your website links in the content of guest posts.

It is time-consuming as you need time and effort to look at relevant domains, consult them, and write qualitative and informative content for them. But the outcomes are awesome, as the backlinks boost click-through rates, website traffic, and conversion rates.

Apart from building links, there are some other great benefits of guest posts:

  • Build your brand
  • Reach a wider audience
  • Strengthen your profile

Backlinks from Visual Content

Similar to guest posts, if you develop informative visual content, it will also help to boost your website ranking by getting backlinks from it.

Visual content like videos, slide-share presentations, infographics, and images with quotes will help you attract the audience. Once the users get attracted. they will share your content in their network. Moreover, other bloggers will also refer to your visual content, which in turn will make you popular and get you backlinks. You will get more leads, and Google will consider you an expert in your respective niche and rank you higher.

Approach Friends and Partners

You can even ask your friends and partners whom you work with to link to your website. But you need to remain within your industry niche as relevancy matters the most in link building.

If the backlink is from an industry not in your niche, it will leave a bad impression on the clients. Thus, it will disturb your ranking in the search engine.

Broken Link Building

Looking for links that are in connection with the 404 page is the other best way of earning backlinks. When you come across any page within your industry with a 404 error, you can take note of it and reach the respective webmaster. Here you earn a chance to build a healthy relationship with the respective website and refer them to a similar page, which is yours.

Though it is a good strategy, stay clear you are not only offering help. Staying transparent here is very important. You need to tell your motive behind the approach which is referring your webpage or website link for replacement. It will help you to achieve success by winning the link in your respective link building campaign.


Link building is often considered time-consuming and difficult, but without it, SEO is incomplete. But it does not mean to go with black hat SEO. It will do more harm than doing any good to your website ranking. We recommend going only with the White hat SEO to improve your website rank, boost traffic, and grow your business.



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