If you deal with a certain Ecommerce site, flexibility is something that doesn’t deal too well. Just a delay of a second will dramatically reduce page views and potentially impact customer loyalty and conversions.
Visitors for your website tend to be significantly influenced by the pace of the website. The organic search rankings often seem to get significantly influenced by the pace of the web. This is why site speed has also been adopted by Google as the main factor in its ranking algorithm.
Technically the website size is the most important factor in deciding its speed. For browsers, it takes time to download the code used for building your page.
The items that it will have to get downloaded would include HTML, stylesheets, scripts and images. With designers incorporating more elements just to make the website look more innovative and engaging, the size of the website tends to increase. With each new added feature, a new script or style sheet, the site tends to get heavier.
When to make sure your website speed is up to standard: the most important thing is to know the actual website speed before you continue to improve your website speed.
You may rely on tools such as Google’s PageSpeed Analysis, and GTMetrix to measure the speed of the web. You will experience all the big attributes that make your website fall behind.
Learn how to speed up the website: You can always come out with some brilliant ideas when it comes to speed optimization. But for ever-lasting results, you will need to make sure that you create an out-of the-box strategy.
With some automatic tools and a little labor, you can expect to speed up your website.
Here are some attributes that you should include in your strategy.
Optimize Images:
So, we all know that photos are the key culprits behind those web pages that are sluggish to load. An easy solution is to customize the photos, which can be achieved by scaling them according to the layout of the website.
Many webmasters introduce huge images to explain the quality factor, and further scale them through CSS. In reality that is where they struggle. They miss the point that their browser would still load them at the full image sizes.
Imagine that you have some image with a resolution of 1200 x 1200 pixels and shrunk it down to 200 x 200 pixels.
When the browser loads the file, it will have to load 1200 x 1200 pixels in its entirety even if it is not necessary. SO, first scale the image, and then upload it to the internet, is a better choice.
Enabling Browser Caching:
Do you know what the most annoying thing is for any visitor? It is when you make them download the same item every time they load a web page.
By allowing browser caches, some of the data will be temporarily stored on visitor’s computer. This way they don’t have to wait every time they visit your web page for the data to resurface.
The period the data stays stored in the browser completely depends on the configuration of the browser and the configurations for the server-side cache.
Well, compression is simple! When you enable compression, it is more like assembling your website into a zip file. Compression helps in reducing the size of your web page drastically, which will directly impact the speed.
As per varvy, compression helps in minimizing the web page by compressing 50 – 70% of the HTML and CSS files. This is definitely a hefty data that the visitor would not have to download again. The intensity of compression would depend upon the web server and its settings.
Optimize Your CSS:
When a user types your website’s URL, there is a brief pause before the website opens. This pause depends solely upon the CSS of the page. Before the user sees your website, the CSS of the page starts to load.
The load time will vary according to how long it takes to install the CSS. You will need to configure the CSS to ensure that your website loads quickly.
It will allow files to be accessed more easily and would also allow the user to access the web pages. Delete all those irrelevant codes from CSS.