Exploring Mobile Ecommerce Market


It is of no surprise that eCommerce has grown tremendously in the last few years. It was expected as eCommerce offered to make the shopping habits of customers easy and smooth. But are you aware of the fact that Mobile phones have played a significant role in eCommerce Success?

According to Insider Intelligence, “retail mCommerce sales to account for 43.4% of total retail eCommerce sales in 2023,  up from 41.8% in 2022.”

It simply states that the role of mobile in making online purchases will continue in the near future as well. 

How is mCommerce Different from eCommerce?


eCommerce is the method of buying products online with the use of the internet. Whereas mCommerce is the sub part of eCommerce which deals with buying products online with the help of a mobile phone or tablets. The main difference between both practices is accessibility. With a mobile, you can shop online anywhere which desktops do not provide.

Possible Reason For Rise In Traffic To Mobile eCommerce:

Below are some of the reasons why mobile-friendly eCommerce website was able to generate more traffic:

  • User Experience:

UX is such an important factor for customers shopping online. This very thought has been applied by many online retailers with a dedicated mobile application. A mobile app offers personalized shopping experience to its customers. How?

  1. It is able to store your choices and preferences to recommend you the products that you may find attractive.
  2. Mobile apps also provide one click easy checkout processes to enhance the experience of their customers.
  3. Mobile apps can send push-up notifications to their customers. Be it to notify you about the deals or the availability of products in your wishlist.


  • Payment Options:

A mobile application can help you save your payment information better. With this feature, you do not have to refill your sensitive information again and again. Mobile apps also come with wallet payment options where you do not have to use your debit or credit card to make the purchase. It generally provides more secure way of payment as compared to retail website such as:

  1. Two Factor Authentication
  2. Multi Factor Authentication
  3. Biometric authentication ( like fingerprint)


  • Voice Shopping:

It is the method in which customers use the voice assistant of their smartphones to shop like siri or alexa. This feature has made mobile shopping even easier for the customers. You can simply request a voice to your mobile who in turn will give results that you need. 


  • Location feature:

Have you ever operated a mobile application to see a message pop up to enable your location? If yes, you might understand how crucial this feature is. Suppose you want to book an Uber ride and you are not sure of the location and want the driver to follow your location. With the location feature, your mobile app can send your live location to the driver to follow. Furthermore, it can also help you to target a specific location for your search result. For Example- “Hotels near me”. This feature has further increased the accessibility of shopping online through mobile.


  • Social Media:

Social media is one of the key platforms from which customers get inspired to buy a product. You might have also got inspired at least once to buy a product that you come across online. Social media now has these BUY buttons with which you can shop without leaving the platform. This has further added a swift method of shopping without going through a lot of web pages to make a purchase.


  • Customer Service:

Mobile applications are built in a way to give excellent customer service to customers as compared to websites. In case of any issue arising out of your purchased products, you are provided with a chatbot feature to help you figure out what to do next. You can also chat with customer support to resolve your issue in a quick manner. 


  • Increased usage of mobile:

Did you know? According to recent data, “the average person spends 3 hours and 15 minutes on their smartphone each day.” This gives people ample opportunity to come across products which might sway them to make a purchase.

  • Google lens:

You can easily use google lens on your mobile phone to search for any product online easily, which is not the case for a desktop. For Example- If you come across any product and want to search the same over the internet to buy, you can do so by using google lens.


Final Words!!

Having a mobile app for business offers the customer to shop from anywhere possible. Unlike using a desktop to shop online, a mobile takes less time to buy goods online. With the many benefits that mCommerce provides it is sure to be the preferred method to shop online.

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