How To Use ChatGPT For SEO?


ChatGPT! ChatGPT! ChatGPT! – A boon for content marketing professionals!

This AI tool has become highly popular in the digital marketing world. It has eased out so many operations and helped various professionals to enhance their productivity. All the major jobs i.e tech, media, legal industry, market research, teachers, finance, trading, graphic designing, accountancy and customer service, are positively impacted by chatgpt ai. 

Many people fear that introduction of ChatGPT will eat up their jobs; thus giving rise to the unemployment rate. But, this is not true. AI systems, tools and platforms are meant to collaborate with working professionals and make their work easier. They never intend to replace the workforce. If in some way, it has lessened the total number of workers required to accomplish a particular task, the eliminated workforce won’t get jobless. Because, technology creates more jobs than it destroys.

Use ChatGPT To Accomplish Petty SEO Tasks

Openai ChatGPT is highly used by SEO executives nowadays. Earlier they had to depend on content writers for the success of the majority of tasks. But ChatGPT has reduced their dependency on content writers. Does that mean, the jobs of content writers are at risk or at the edge of vanishing? That’s not true. Even after the advent of ChatGPT, the importance of content writers is still the same. 

Then, how’s ChatGPT helping SEO executives with content? Well, SEO Toronto executives require variety of content, apart from blogs and articles to elevate their rankings like 

  • Meta descriptions/Titles
  • Bios (to build backlinks) 
  • Email content (meant to sent to networks to strengthen connections) 
  • Social media titles and captions

This is not just it. The content writers are required to proofread content and embed keywords naturally. This hinders their productivity when it comes to writing blogs and articles. Here comes the role of ChatGPT. ChatGPT can be used to accomplish these petty tasks. 

Though these are petty tasks, one needs to know the right commands to get the appropriate matter delivered. If you don’t know it, don’t fret! This blog is all about “Must-Know Commands To Use In ChatGPT”

How does Chatgpt Work?

Openai ChatGPT does not generate PURELY ORIGINAL content. The moment you enter a query in the search box, it checks the entire web to find the best suitable answer. Once the content which is deemed relevant as per ChatGPT’s algorithm is found, the AI tool paraphrases it with human touch and delivers it to you. 

5 ChatGPT Command-Sets Every SEO Executive Must Know!

Here are 5 sets of ChatGPT prompts that’ll ease every SEO executive’s work: 

How to write catchy Meta-Descriptions with the help of ChatGPT?

Catchy and SEO-friendly meta descriptions are challenging to write as a variety of parameters need to be met. Like, a meta description:

  • Cannot exceed 160 character-limit
  • Must have naturally embedded keywords 
  • Must be cleverly informative and promotional
  • Must have a CTA
So, here are some commands to generate meta description from ChatGPT that satisfies all the mentioned parameters:
  • Please generate a catchy meta description on xyz
  • Keep it short and concise (upto 160 characters)
  • Embed this keyword: (write your keyword here)
  • Include this CTA: (e.g Buy today to claim discount)


How to write click-worthy Meta-Titles with the help of ChatGPT Online?

Short and sweet meta titles always invite huge clicks. The more is the possibility of fetching traffic through catchy titles, the more difficult it is to achieve the perfect meta titles. A perfect meta title must: 

  • Be no longer than 60 characters
  • Have a focus keyword 
  • Have a power word 
  • Avoid unnecessary usage of article, pronouns, adverbs and adjectives
Following is a list of commands that can help to generate clicks-inviting meta titles:
  • Please generate a short & sweet meta title for this URL: (Place the URL here)
  • Keep it short, eye-catchy & informative
  • Don’t exceed this character limit – 60 characters
  • Embed this focus keyword cleverly – (write your keyword)
  • Must include a strong power word


How to generate unique bios from ChatGPT?

A bio is a piece of content that reflects a business’s USP. SEO executives need them in bulk, as a number of external connections are to be made to strengthen the backlink profile. An ideal bio is supposed to: 

  • Have no more than 50 words 
  • Be easy-to-understand & devoid of difficult vocabulary 
  • Include the targeted keyword smartly 
  • Be 70% informative and 30% promotional 



Using the same bios for multiple clients will increase your spam score. But, how to generate the maximum number of unique bios?

Here is the list of commands to help you:
  • I am an owner of this company: (Place the URL of your business website)
  • Can you help me generate (n) unique bios?
  • The word limit of each bio – 50 words
  • Both the bios must include this keywords – (write keywords)
  • The bios should follow this combination – 70% information and 30% promotional
  • The bios should reflect company’s USP
  • The bios need to be free from plagiarism


How to write a pitching email for guest posting with the help of ChatGPT?

A strong email can help you pitch the best of niche-relevant businesses to connect with you. But, it may put an SEO executive in a confusing situation as he does not know: 

  • Which points to include and avoid? 
  • How to seem cordial and warm in an email?  
  • How to make an email convincing and attractive at the same time? 

With the right direction and little knowledge of useful commands to generate a convincing email, you can sort much of your work life. Lol!

Follow the list of commands:
  • This is my business’ website: (xyz)
  • I want to send an email to pitch someone to agree for a guest posting proposal
  • I want to provide him a highly-researched, value-adding and unique article
  • In return, I want a backlink


How to write attractive taglines for social media with the help of ChatGPT?

It is undeniably true that the way the human mind can be creative, machines and AI tools can never be. But ChatGPT does not completely hold it true. This AI tool can bring out highly creative taglines and captions, provided you have provided the appropriate commands. 

A good social media tagline must be: 

  • Short, concise and creative
  • Effective enough to convey the message appropriately 
Here is the list of commands to generate social media taglines:
  • I am an owner of a (specify the industry)
  • I am running a social media campaign
  • My aim is – To gain maximum clicks from my targeted audience
  • I want to create social media post to highlight the (any range of products)
  • I want a creative, unique and clicks-fetching tagline
  • The tagline must be short & sweet but meaningful
  • If possible, give an image idea as well



ChatGPT is an efficient tool that has revolutionized the way digital marketing professionals work. It has simplified various operations, including SEO, and helped them enhance their productivity. While some may fear that ChatGPT may replace jobs, it is not true as technology creates more jobs than it destroys. With the right commands, SEO executives can utilize ChatGPT to generate catchy meta descriptions, click-worthy meta titles, unique bios, and pitching emails. However, it is essential to remember that ChatGPT does not generate purely original content, and human proofreading and editing are still necessary to ensure quality and avoid plagiarism.

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