Leading Pop-up Strategies & Practices

Popup Strategies & Practices

To many of us, Popups usually seem annoying. The question is even after seeing the negative response of users, why marketers still seem to be interested in popups?

The explanation for this is that when used strategically, popups help e-tailers boost conversions and sales in E-commerce.

The problem here is to efficiently apply the pop-ups. It has been shown that even a 2-second delay will significantly affect the subscription rate, conversion rate or other related action.

Through this blog we will be analysing what are the best popup strategies and practices for e-Trailers.

Live Chat Popups

Attaching live chat popups, suggests you’re really worried about your users and want to answer all their questions as soon as possible. You will be worried with how you fulfill your customers ‘ expectations over the entire lifespan of your transactions.

Not only the current customer base, but prospective customers will need a place to express their concerns. Live chat is an excellent way to offer them support.

This feature lets the customers chat with you in real time and ask for advice, which will ultimately help in building confidence and gaining faith.

Live Chat

Here are some practices that you can incorporate in your live chat feature.

  • You will still be on the beck and call for your customers. While the customers are on your site, they would be able to contact you with the live chat feature without having to look for an email address or phone number.
  • Customers are always looking for a fast way to get in touch with the customer service cell so make sure you activate the live chat feature quickly.
  • When you opt for live chat, you will experience instant increase in average order values. This is mostly because when the buyer has someone to rely on when in a bind, the rate of return gets small. We get easy access to the product or service we are looking for, so they can make a purchase from them.
  • The bounce rate will also decrease as there is someone willing to support customers as they face some obstacle in the shopping process. You can be sure that the shopping carts succeed in making it for purchase.

Email Popups

Through use of email popups, you can expect your conversions to increase drastically. However, this is only possible when you follow the best practices for email popup. For anyone implementing them in website, the foremost thing is to know what these popups are about.

Such popups occur when the user is about to leave the site, or when the user first arrives at the site. The goal is to give something appealing to the users and in return ask them for their valued email address.

Email Popup

The strongest ones are those making a concrete deal where the customers get to know exactly what they get instead of giving their email address.

Around the same time, exit-intent popups may be used to ask the user to give you one more chance to get business from the client. The best thing is that popup blockers no longer block these popups because they are less intrusive than popups that leap from nowhere and irritate the guests.

You should give the visitor some extra discount, cash back bonus, redeemable coupons etc. as incentives to make them sign up and simultaneously to increase the conversion rate.

Survey Popups

When implemented properly, pop up surveys can help you in gaining fruitful feedback for your website. Below specified are some of the best practices for survey popups:

  • Make sure that such surveys show up after some delay. Don’t make them appear as soon as the customer lands on your website. Because this might make the user ignore it or might even make them navigate away. Make sure wait for about a minute, hence offering the user some time to do some browsing.
  • Keep them brief and concise, so that the user does not feel that there is too much to be filled. You can always create a reliable customer base through surveys.
  • Make sure your surveys are well tested and are make sense at all points.
  • Reward the customer with some discount coupon or other benefit for completing the survey.

survey popup

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