How Can You Make Your Search Engine Listings Clickable?


How will your entry in the Search Engine Results Page convince users of your credibility & trustworthiness? Here in this article, we’ll discuss vital trust signals that improve your website’s conversion rate.

Set the correct assumptions:

By emerging trustworthy, we’re not taking the quality or goodness of your services as one of the trust signals; rather, we’ll only be talking about the SEO aspects that are quintessentially important for emerging a trustworthy service provider.

How To Boost Conversion Rate With An Entry In SERP?

Ensure To Exist On First Page –

It’s a bitter truth – Nearly 65% of people rely on results appearing on the 1st page. To be more specific, they rely on the above-the-fold results. According to research conducted in 2018, “Nearly 30% of clicks go with the first result in SERP, but the results in 9th and 10th position receive 2% clicks.

Let me correct you – 

If users rely on the first page of SERP, that doesn’t mean that their convenience lies in that. It means that they trust sites that have grabbed 1st three spots. 

According to one more survey, “Users think that the websites or web pages that have acquired the first position are the ones that get more clicks.” 

Moral Of The Story – 


You will need more than just a website to help you with conversions. It would help if you were on the top. Only then users tend to trust you. You get authorized and experience an increase in conversion rate only if you rank at the top. 

The Entry Must Be Organic And Not An Ad –

Paid ads only get 1 in 3 clicks. Searchers consider ads as one of the major sources of distractions. The primary aim of ads is to grow sales. They don’t care to deliver the information. All they want is to tempt users to get converted. 

Moral Of The Story –


When it’s time to allocate the marketing budget between content marketing & PPC, remember that – ‘Organic results get more clicks as compared to Ads’. 

Your Entry Must Add Value To the User’s Knowledge Bank

Users never click on a result containing sales-compelling text; they look for entries that provide valuable information. 


The ‘Sure Shot Formula’ for inviting a click – 

Give as much unique information as you can; get a click!


Page Title Must Convince Users That Of Having Answer To Your Question!

A person approaches Google with the intent of getting some information. You can convince users that your webpage can offer them the desired information through the title.


Your title must answer these questions – 

  1. What information does your page have to offer? 
  2. How is your page relevant to the user’s search query
  3. Will this page help you? 

Meta Description Should Be User-Optimized & Not Keyword Stuffed

A meta description is the description of your page that appears below the title. It tells the users what your page is all about. The meta description is one of the trust signals that convince users that your website has the best information to offer and better products and services than others.


Some Useful Pieces Of Advice

Hire An Ideal Digital Marketing Company

Since you’re the business owner in charge of managing all the manufacturing & selling activities, it’ll take a lot of work to handle all the digital marketing activities on your own. It’s better to hire an ideal digital marketing company that’ll look after all the online marketing activities.




When Making SE Listing, View It From User’s POV!

When making SE Listing, ensure that you do not intend to optimize it from SEO POV; instead, you’re optimizing it from User’s POV. Think like a user and then judge – If you’ve been at the user’s place, would you have clicked on this SE Listing? If not, then what would compel you to make a click? Once you have an answer, you have a strategy. Implement it and see the wonders. Don’t follow the guidelines blindly. The things which are today’s guidelines were once experiments. SEO is all about experiments. Keep experimenting. 

Keep On Updating It!

As I always say, SEO is not a ‘Set it and Forget it’ thing. It would be best if you made an effort continually. Make sure you update the Search Engine Listing after a considerable period.

Exact Match Keyword, Don’t Work!

Gone are the days when Google’s algorithm used to judge the reliability and relevance of content based on exact match keywords embedment. But not anymore! Now is the time when Google reads your content, analyzes it, understands the context, and then makes a judgment about whether it can satisfy the user’s query or not. So it’s high time to stop using exact-match keywords. 

Final Say!

When you try to understand a user’s perspective, you’ll come to know that – In the first phase of buying, information is all he wants. Once he has acquired knowledge, he’ll look for services and products that validate the information you’ve received. Search Engine Listing can help you accomplish this motive. But that needs to be optimized. If your Search Engine Listing is missing out on Trust signals, it is not useful. 

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