The Anatomy of Web Design

anatomy of web design

Did you know? The first thing a visitor notices when visiting a website is the ‘Design’. The common person doesn’t notice what technology the website is using, until and unless he doesn’t explore it completely.

But web design? Everyone notices. He will notice the design and usability of the website. It’s the first thing that captures our attention. And if the design is too cheesy, we bounce to other websites without wasting any time.

Like technologies, web design has evolved over the years. If you start exploring the old websites on the web that hasn’t been re-designed, you will understand the meaning of web design evolution.

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In this decade, the design that supports usability and finds ability is the design that works fine among the web of other sites that are trying to find their place in the already crowded market. Creating a design is not only an art but science as well. It asks for proper placement of things onto their respectful place for better user navigation and enhances the user experience much folds.

Too much of everything is bad and similar science is applied to the web design. For instance; too much of ads may look good for your bank balance, but if you are running a service website, like offering ‘Web Designing Services’, then you might want to cut some ads from your home page or internal pages. Those ads will do more harm than good to your business.

As you know, a good web design comprises of various elements. Those key elements help the web designer to create a user-friendly experience and connect the dots for better credibility in the search engines.


Beneath is a beautiful infographic designed by WDL that offers information on the subject in a visual way.


Based on Mississauga, Toronto, Kinex Media has been recognized by the industry peers for creating amazing Web Design and placing every key component at the right place to have the positive outcome from the visitor’s reaction.

According to the experts of famous web design companies “It takes a good mix of art and science to design a web page that pulls off the near-magic feat of combining aesthetic beauty with the punch of your message. The secret is to give yourself a little creative freedom-while sticking to an established structure.”


Let’s jot down the key points for mastering anatomy of a web page or a website:

  1. Put yourself in user’s shoe: It’s of utmost importance to do your homework and to think about the home page layout before you even start sketching ideas. As you do your research, make sure you focus unremittingly on the expectations of your potential customers. After all, it is almost impossible to design a business website which offers an excellent user experience without knowing the expectations of the target users.
  2. Having the right visual hierarchy: Powerful visual hierarchy distinguishes between a website system architecture that guides users to the action that they want to take and a website that just looks nice. Human beings are incredibly visual beings and when it comes to online content consumption we often scan the page to quickly discern whether we will find what we need before we dive in.
  3. Focus on your call-to-action buttons: Without call-to-action buttons (CTAs), no site is fully functional. Advertisers would actually say they’re the most essential component on the screen and all attempts should be concentrating on taking users to subscribe through. Strategic use of well-designed CTAs will significantly boost page flow and direct users towards conversion, so getting this correct is crucial.


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